Favourite paragliders
Of the approximately 1,500 readers of the previous post, 217 completed a survey about the most liked wings. The results are quite poor because it’s a small sample. Here is what I was able to extract from the gathered data
Category: Analysis
Of the approximately 1,500 readers of the previous post, 217 completed a survey about the most liked wings. The results are quite poor because it’s a small sample. Here is what I was able to extract from the gathered data
I’m presenting you a tool to analyze sport careers of paragliding pilots: ParaglidingStats.com
This is a good opportunity to bring out from memory all the wings you have flown. Rate your affection for each wing with stars on a scale of 1 to 10.
I’ll publish results in the next post.
Out of 100 biggest flights in the Alps, 60 were flown from Grente. Far, far behind in the second place comes Fiesch with only 7 flights. Promise of an easy 200+ FAI triangle draws more and more km-thirsty cross country pilots to the Tyrolean meadows. If you want to join Club-200 I invite you to benefit from a 12-year history of paragliding flights from Grente Alm. I analysed 2290 tracklogs published by 626 pilots in five XC online contests (XContest, Leonardo, DHV, XCC and XCPortal). These are my observations.